by Chrissy Iley

I think we all know by now that it is not all about what you put on your skin or how you look after it, beauty comes from within. Healthy diet equals healthy skin. None of us are perfect and the simple fact is in winter we are constantly in central heating, which means even if we were on a green diet our skin would dehydrate.
Some time ago I tried QMS Intravital Plus (£62.00). It is a high impact, multi vitamin supplement with Vitamin C, E, lots of Bs and various other skin essentials. I started taking these along with many other daily pills. I told myself I was making a difference, but I noticed nothing. Of course you are supposed to give it three weeks. Still nothing.

And then six weeks in I noticed that my nails weren’t splitting, pealing or breaking off and I noticed my skin was glowing despite the horrific winter conditions. By this time I could not remember what I was doing differently. But these pills really helped.
It is a mystery to me why these pills that are targeted mainly for skin regeneration should have such a fabulous effect. I have no idea for instance why taking several of the major ingredients Vitamin C, B, E and Biotin, all of which I do, doesn’t seem to have any effect at all.
QMS was launched by Dr Erich Schulte in 1986, a skin care revolutionary who began working in the field of trauma surgery and became involved in researching wound healing. His collagens are state of the art. I never expected that just two pills a day could regenerate the skin, stimulate collagen and elastin production and even help normalise skin pigmentation. These pills are the business.