So if you thought you’d missed out on some of the talks at the BFI, don’t worry. The festival has just announced additional Screen Talks with Jake Gyllenhaal, Annette Bening, director Lucrecia Martel and Japanese director Takashi Miike.
The programme of Screen Talks events include:
Screen Talk: Jake Gyllenhaal
Thursday 5 October, 15.45, NFT 1
Screen Talk: Anette Bening
Thursday 12 October, 16.30, NFT 1
Screen Talk: Lucrecia Martel
Sunday 15 October, 12.00, NFT3
Screen Talk: Takashi Miike
Monday 9 October, 18.15, Curzon Soho
The 61st BFI London Film Festival in partnership with American Express® takes place from Wednesday 5 October-Sunday 15 October 2017. Full programme information BFI online.