by Annie Vischer

We still can’t get the last J’Adore Dior ad out of our heads, never mind start wondering at another one! The moment Charlize swaggers into a bustling backstage dressing room, the camera panning in on the likes of Marilynn Monroe and Grace Kelly before following her through to the catwalk is unforgettable.
From everything we hear, it seems the next advert is only going to get better, taking the brand and fragrance to a deeper level with a haunting track from London Grammar as its soundtrack, and the following words spoken by Charlize herself resonating throughout it – ‘The past can be beautiful – a memory, a dream – bit it’s no place to live. And now it’s the time. The only way out is up. It’s not heaven, it’s a new world. The future is gold. J’adore Dior’.
The mini movie itself, directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino, follows Charlize as she returns to the same Hall of Mirrors in the Chateau de Versailles. She comes across a beautiful silk scarf floating in the air from above. With fairytale like determination she begins to climb the scarf, tearing her necklace off as she does so, sending the beads scattering to the ground. She arrives at the outdoor world above, contrastingly shown as a futuristic style city scape.
But it’s Theron’s beauty that is the focus in her ongoing ad campaign for Christian Dior Parfums’ J’adore fragrance. In the latest installment, she makes a dramatic return to the Hall of Mirrors in the Chateau de Versailles in a film ad directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino. As she strides through the great, gilded room, Theron encounters a mysterious dangling silken scarf. She begins climbing it, tearing off a necklace whose beads crash to the floor. Theron rises through a hole in a dome and once outdoors takes in a futuristic cityscape.
We can’t wait for it to hit our screens. Stay tuned!