Hearing the three words, “declutter your home” does not sound easy nor fun, does it? You have probably, time after time, made a New Year’s resolution or a spring-cleaning list that involves decluttering either your entire home or a small section of it. If you are someone who has always had the goal but never followed through, these crazy easy tips to declutter your home will get you on the right path and in no time, your home will be organized.
Utilize What You Already Have
Decluttering means more than just tossing out some of the things you no longer want or use. In fact, there is an organizational component to it as well. One of the best tips that anyone can give you is to utilize some of the things you already have at home to help you organize. For example, to get that junk drawer in the kitchen under control, cut up some old cardboard boxes and use them to keep extra sauce packets or paper clips in. You can even use old cans, plastic tins, or egg cartons – find what works for you and what you have extra of in your home already.
Get Everyone Involved
No matter how determined you feel, you cannot do it all alone, especially if you don’t live alone. When it comes time to declutter your home, make sure you corral the family and get them involved. You could have one person on storage duty, another on packing duty, and someone else on trash duty. Give each person a role, so that they feel important and useful.
Even if you think you can tackle it all on your own, don’t. You do not want to overestimate your ability to get the house declutter and plus, who doesn’t like to receive help?
Laundry Does Not Have to Be the Enemy
If you were to ask people what the one item is in their home that causes the most disorganization or clutter, we bet you that they respond with laundry. This is because laundry tends to pile up quickly and skipping the folding on just one or two loads can set you back quite a bit. Remember, laundry does not have to be your enemy and you can gain control over it.
To start, have everyone wash and fold their own laundry. If your children are too small to do this, set aside specific days and times to do loads of laundry. This way, you have carved out a time slot and you do not feel rushed or pressured. You can also fold laundry specific ways to make the process go quicker and smoother. Just be consistent and you will notice the laundry pile shrink in size.
Go Slow and Take it a Day at a Time
It is unlikely that your home will be organized and decluttered in just one day – we are not robots. It is important to go slow, take your time, and just proceed one day at a time. You will soon notice the progress you are making and want to keep moving forward with the process.
On a side note, think about setting some daily or weekly goals for yourself. These goals should be attainable and realistic. For example, one goal could be to have the kids’ toy box cleaned out by the end of the week.
As always, do not forget about self-storage too. If you find that you just have too much in your home and not enough space, don’t hesitate to check out what types of storage units are nearby!