by Annie Vischer

We’re getting to that tricky time of year. Summer glows are fading, exposing any skin flaws the sun had let you forget. Add to that the drying effects of Autumnal weather and you have one angry little complexion. So here’s our top five face masks to help you through this trying time. After all, who doesn’t love an excuse to get pampering?!

The Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Recovery Mask (£35.30) is beloved of many, including the ever discerning Mrs Victoria Beckham. It’s a regular feature on my dressing table, and I can personally attest to its radiance-inducing effects. Get sampling this little wonder! You won’t look back.

If you’re skin’s reacting badly to the colder weather conditions, if it’s becoming irritable and over-sensitive then this is the mask for you. The Aveda Outer Peace Cooling Masque (£30.00) is a dream to apply. It calms skin whilst balancing tone. It’s an instant refresher not to be missed.

If you’re into uber natural home-made skin remedies then our favourite facialist Nataliya Robinson has the ultimate recommendation for you. Simply buy in some full fat creme fraiche and oat bran, mix together and apply, this will really brighten your skin! According to her it’s one of the best things you can do for your skin at this time of year, and the price point isn’t bad either!

It’s a hero product over in the states, and there’s a reason for it. GlamGlow Super-Mud Clearing Treatment (£39.99) is one of the most effective clarifying masks out there. If you’re spotting more blackheads than usual and you feel your skin needs a super deep clean before it heads into winter, pick up one of these dinky little pots. It’s a Hollywood favourite, and gives you that classic scary mud-mask look whilst it’s working, Instagram at the ready!

The mask endorsed by the one and only Cate Blanchett, and what’s more it’s an actual mask! The SK-II Facial Treatment Masks (£57.00) are renowned immediate plumping and brightening, perfect before a special occasion . These are the ones you hide from your friends, but they’re the ultimate treat.