Logan Lucky follows the story of two brothers, Jimmy (Chnning Tatum) and Clyde (Adam Driver).
As Jimmy loses his job, him and his brother plan to pull of a heist during a NASCAR race in North Carolina. But in order to get the job done, they must acquire the help of Joe Bang (Daniel Craig) – a well known criminal and his brothers, Fish and Sam. There’s just one problem – Joe is behind bars. Their genius plan to carry out the heist leads them to break Joe out of prison and get him back in time before anyone notices. However, in the end Jimmy doesn’t have what it takes to go through with the robbery and returns the money.
As Steven Soderbergh’s last film before retirement, I was a little bit disappointed. Though Logan Lucky was entertaining, I couldn’t help but think that something was missing.
First of all, Daniel Craig’s southern accent – though he was very convincing, I do prefer his British accent, especially him in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I like seeing him in more serious roles and this didn’t entirely do it for me.
Ultimately however, the plot wasn’t complex enough and it didn’t feel like the characters faced many obstacles along the way. It seemed way too easy. The film did however end on a bit of a cliff hanger, as one of the officers investigating the heist was seen having a shot at a bar with Clyde, making us think there’s a possibility of a second film.
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Logan Lucky is out in UK cinemas 25th August 2017.