The HBO series Girls is a show that follows the “humiliations and rare triumphs” of four 20-something girls Hannah, Marnie, Jessa and Shoshanna, who all live in New York. The series has been hailed as a triumph by critics in the US since its launch, and has now made its way to the UK via Sky Atlantic and is set to premiere on Monday, 22 October.
Hannah, played by Lena Dunham, is a “mixture of self-entitlement and self-loathing” and an aspiring writer. Marnie, played by Allison Williams, is Hannah’s roommate and best friend, who has both a job and a serious boyfriend. Jemima Kirke plays Jess, “a live-and-let-live bohemian” who has a lot of jobs and even more boyfriends. Completing the main cast of the show is Mad Men‘s Zosia Mamet as Shoshanna, who is described as “a NYU student obsessed with ‘women’s issues’, gluten-free foods and sexcentric self-help”.
Series star Lena Dunham and Judd Apatow (Bridesmaids, Knocked Up) co-wrote the series alongside Bruce Eric Kaplan (Six Feet Under) and Jenni Konner (Undeclared). Already acclaimed Girls picked up its first ever Emmy at this year’s awards for ‘Outstanding Casting’. Here’s a look at the trailer for the series’ first season:
Could this possibly be the new generation Sex and the City, you’ll have to tune it to see!