Everybody irrespective of age, gender or lifestyle needs vitamin D for good health. National surveys reveal that up to 60% of Europeans have inadequate levels of vitamin D which plays a key role in immune support, bone health, muscle function and cardiovascular health. Getting outside in the fresh air is the ideal way to get your Vitamin D, but glorious sunlight is just not always there for the right amount we need for our bodies.
Vitamin D3 + K2 as a duo are beginning to receive wider recognition for their synergistic health attributes. Research suggests it is important to balance vitamin D supplementation with vitamin K to help optimise the absorption of calcium. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and Vitamin K helps guide calcium from the bloodstream into the right body tissues – your bones and teeth. The last thing you need is for calcium to be deposited in your artery walls, cartilage or organs where it could create calcification.
Neutrient vitamin D3 + K2 is a perfectly balanced oral spray that enables these vitamins to pass rapidly through the soft tissues inside the mouth and head straight into the bloodstream providing fast, maximised absorption. Studies show that vitamin D3 is more effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D than vitamin D2.
Vitamin D and Immune Defence
Vitamin D has many health benefits and supports your body’s growth and repair processes by being involved with cell division. Vitamin D regulates more than 200 genes which influence a broad range of metabolic, cellular and physical functions.
Vitamin D and vitamin K play important roles in supporting your bone health. Sustaining good levels of both these key nutrients is essential for the upkeep of your bones and teeth through the many stages of your life and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Vitamin K is widely known as an essential nutrient for helping activate numerous blood clotting proteins. Blood clotting is an import process in wound healing and without effective blood clotting open wounds continue to bleed and bumps and knocks result in excessive bruising.