By Chrissy Iley
I’m not really sure how Charlotte Tilbury’s done it but she’s become the essence of any red carpet. Anything that glitters and is Hollywood the whole lift and lustre vibe that’s a trend this season probably all started with Charlotte and her magic cream that gives you the glow. Her new Hollywood contour wand is literally show-stopping. It’s a tube of liquid bronzer with a little pom pommy ending and you contour as much as you need. There’s another Hollywood beauty light wand which is a highlighter working on the same principles. When you get stopped in the street and people admire your skin its usually because you’ve had a facial but people have literally stopped me and said oh amazing. You’ve had Hollywood.

They retail at £29 and if you’re in Bond Street Fenwick’s is the best place to go. I also replenished my Lip Cheat lip pencil which somehow magically volumises the lips and contours the lipstick in a truly magic way. I’ve also added some Colour Chameleon eye pencils that have a form of magic of their own. They go on super slinky smooth, blend amazingly and they’re sold as pairs – day and night but there’s something in the pigment, something in the perfection of that colour that’s designed for eyes to pop so, for instance, Bronzed Garnet and Black Diamonds make blue eyes look bluer or in my case grey eyes look blue. Browns, hazels and greens have their own colour coding. Amethyst Aphrodisiac is for green eyes, Dark Pearl for brown eyes. These babies are infused with synthetic sapphires so there’s something in the gemstone sparkle that gives the illusion of sparkling eyes.
Makeup artist Tilbury learnt the laws of contrasting colours and light flecks technology and these are laws that she has really made work for womankind. The pencils (£19) and the Hollywood wands are spectacular.