Based on what looks like a good to be true story, Gold tells the story of Kenny Wells, played by Matthew McConaughey. In the film, Wells is a modern-day prospector, hustler and dreamer, desperate for a lucky break and never ever gives up. Almost unrecognisable McConaughey plays Wells with such passion and shows his insatiable appetite for fulfilling his dream of discovering that shiny, seductive metal Gold. Wells is part annoying mostly pretty charming and totally unstoppable, this film is such a good ride and you can’t decide how much of it you should believe, but you don’t care because you are enjoying it so much.
The turn of events is when Wells decides to team up with a geologist, Michael Acosta, played by Edgar Ramírez. The pair decide to execute one final last effort into finding the treasure they have been so desperately searching for. Unexpectedly however, they do strike gold, deep in the uncharted jungle of Indonesia and their luck finally changes and then what happens next is your two hours of entertainment….one of the enjoyable films I have seen this year.
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GOLD is out in UK cinemas 3rd February 2017.