I’ve always been a fan of Chantecaille. Not just for the amazing colours and the way the makeup feels on the skin but when I got my Lion Eye palette – beautifully textured golds and bronzes with a lion's head imprinted on each colour, I became aware … [Read more...]
The Material Girl Becomes A Billionaire
Madonna has just reached billionaire status. It's somewhat surprising that it has taken this long, because, from the moment she strapped on that conical bra it was pretty much a given! In 2012 it was reported that she gained the year's top … [Read more...]
Spanx inventor lands a spot on Forbes’ List
Sara Blakely, the inventor and owner of Spanx, is the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire. Blakely, who started her line of slimming undergarments in 2000 with a savings of just $5,000, is now valued at $1 billion. Blakely made her money … [Read more...]