The Kingsman: The Golden Circle is the sequel to the Kingsman: The Secret Service - an independent, international agency operating at the highest level of discretion, whose ultimate goal is to keep the world safe. The gang is back - Colin … [Read more...]
Star-studded Dining: Craig’s LA
by Chrissy Iley Last night I was invited to Craig’s LA. I’d been there once before in Oscar week and it was a mass of table-hopping celebrities. Weirdly I’d assumed that was a one off, but last night it was Craig’s birthday. I’m not sure if it was … [Read more...]
Madonna’s Still a Witch (with a B)
Ahh Madonna, never change! The pop icon is currently on a global tour to support her (average) album MDNA and took a few moments out of her show to dedicate the song 'Masterpiece' to Elton John. She opened with 'I'd like to dedicate this next song … [Read more...]