By Katrina Deisler
Nearly everyone is impacted by the negative effects of leading a high-stress lifestyle. Pressure at work, a busy social life, the constant rush of the city can all lead a person to feel worn out and feel the physical toll of stress. What if there was an almost “magical” cure for the side-effects of stress, like anxiety, depression, fatigue, anxiety, body aches, and migraines? While there I’m not claiming to have an “official” way to cure any of these, these common symptoms can be signs of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium plays a vital role in the body’s chemical reactions, but is no longer a part of the modern diet. In ancient times, people got magnesium from organs, plenty of seafood, and drinking water containing magnesium. Today’s soil, though, is nutrient poor and our water has been filtered so much that natural nutrients are no longer present. The best way to get the benefits of this mineral? Take it as a daily supplement to ensure you’re getting enough.
Even if you’re currently taking magnesium, there’s a pretty high chance you’re not getting enough. If you ingest magnesium through pills or powders, only about 20%-40% of the mineral is actually being absorbed into your body, meaning you’re not getting all of the benefits of the mineral. The Health Factory’s magnesium delivery method of choice is through nano particles in water. Nano particles are called such because they are very small in size, and in this case, suspended in water. Their small size and chemical makeup makes them stay suspended in water without falling to the bottom, so you get the ideal amount of magnesium each time. Drinking magnesium in mineral water allows optimum ingestion, it is absorbed immediately when it makes contact with your mouth.
Wave goodbye to your winter blues, get your daily dose of magnesium with the Nano Mineral Water Magnesium for £22 find a stockist at The Health Factory.