by Annie Vischer

Victoria Beckham has divulged a little secret. And we’re rather curious about it. You know we’re superfood nuts over here at Beauty And The Dirt, so really, anything vaguely nutrition orientated was going to have us at hello. And this little discovery really piqued our interest. Victoria took to Twitter to introduce her latest obsession, Virgin Raw Foods Bee Panacea. She said ‘My new thing!! Eat one tsp a day!! Happy Thursday x vb’, along with a picture.

Now we’ve done our research, so here’s the lowdown. Virgin Raw Bee Panacea is a combination of all bee products going, that’s raw honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly, along with specially selected algaes, herbs and botanicals. Apparently the variety of essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein and amino acids present in these natural components collectively are rather staggering!
Bee Pollen has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to boost energy, the libido, fight acne and remedy various ailments including indigestion, depression and high blood pressure. It appears the beneficial effects come from the high levels of anti-oxidants and nutrients present within it.
With Mrs Beckham advising one teaspoon a day, we think it would be perfect added to smoothies, herbal teas, even homemade salad dressings! We can’t wait to give it a go, though laying our hands on some in the UK is proving rather difficult. The closest we have come is sourcing it here.