Perfectly timed for this beautiful weather, Ben & Jerry‘s have launched a new range of Fairtrade ice creams.
The three new, super-delish flavours include Karamel Sutra – a caramel core enveloped by chocolate caramel ice cream, Dough-ble Whammy – a soft chocolate centre surrounded by chocolate ice cream complete with chunks of chocolate chip and cookie dough and Berry White – a soft chocolate truffle middle with swirls of vanilla and raspberry ice cream.
The ice cream makers haven’t just been creating new flavours in recent months, they have also been busy making headlines over in the US, by renaming their ice cream Oh! My! Apple Pie! to Apple-y Ever After, in order to highlight their support and raise awareness for gay marriage.
To find our more about Ben & Jerry’s campaign head on over to their website and show your support for the campaign on Twitter using the hashtag #appleyeverafter.
The ice creams are available nationwide and priced at £4.99